Mission: “Impact Teens to Impact the World”

We offer a program for teens grades 5-12th who are committed to Christ and want to get their friends hooked up with Christ too.

The goal of this team is to worship God, explore His Word (the Bible), grow stronger roots in our faith, and plan our strategy for getting the word out to our friends and neighbors.

Every other week we practice what we preach by going into our communities and inviting our friends and neighbors. 

YOUTH GROUPRaymond Baptist Church would love to invite your students to join us for Youth Group (5th – 12th Grade)

February 7th – Invite a Friend Night – at the Reed home; 59 Harriman Hill Road, Raymond for an evening of bonfire, s’mores and a game of Cornhole.  6:00pm-7:30pm.


Friend Night for Youth Group is a night when we concentrate more on having fun and making connections without a big Bible lesson. The intent is that kids will feel comfortable inviting friends and friends may be more comfortable attending since most nights will be in different homes and not at the church. Hopefully making it easier for our kids to witness to their friends and to initiate a growing interest in God for those who attend. We plan to have one Friend Night a month. Please contact the Church Office for additional information or you would like to participate.


February 9th – Lesson “Super Bowl of the Bible” – Ministry Center

For more information of Upcoming Youth Group and Activities call 603-895-2859 for more details.
Sunday’s 5:00 – 6:30 pm (Ministry Center)
Youth Group 
Ed Burgess
Youth Group
Dan Burgess