The Women’s Ministry exists to provide situations for women to connect on a spiritual level with God and other women. This focuses on outreach, but leaves opportunities to feed and encourage our “core group” in various events.


WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Love and Restoration. They are excited to have Abigail Hawksworth-Merrill come to share her story of love and restoration as she had to learn to trust God’s plan while overcoming obstacles. Abigail is a wife and a home-school mom of 2 boys. For 12 years Abigail owned her own business where she taught piano and vocals in her own music academy. Come join them for brunch and hear more of Abigail’s encouraging testimony on February 15th at 9:00am in the Great Room. Invite a friend to join them for the fun and inspiration. Sign up at the Event Center or contact Sue Brown for more details.